Cyan - the illuminated body - punk pilates Chicago Berlin Zoom

The Illuminated Body is a resource for those who are looking for a more balanced, stable, focused, and relaxed self.

The Illuminated Body is a resource for those who are looking for a more balanced, stable, focused, and relaxed self.

Meet Cyan
alien body - the illuminated body - cyan - punk pilates

The Illuminated Body’s mission is to facilitate and enhance my client’s own ability to live their life to the fullest in the present, by sharing skills they can implement on their own now and in the future.

The Illuminated Body’s mission is to facilitate and enhance my client’s own ability to live their life to the fullest in the present, by sharing skills they can implement on their own now and in the future.

Pilates for body stability and expansion, Yoga Nidra / Meditation for quiet mind and relaxation, and Somatic Guiding for coming closer to the self in the context of trauma recovery.

The Illuminated Body operates on 3 guiding principles:

  • Accessibility

    This is where the text for your Feature List Item should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.

  • Autonomy

    This is where the text for your Feature List Item should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.

  • Consistency

    This is where the text for your Feature List Item should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.

alien body - the illuminated body - cyan - punk pilates

“I want freedom… everybody’s right to radiant, beautiful things.”


“I want freedom… everybody’s right to radiant, beautiful things.”


An estimated 19.1% of U.S. adults had any anxiety disorder in the past year.

Anxiety is the felt sense of perceived threat. To transform that sensation into calm, we have to take a multi-pronged approach—addressing the body, the mind, and most importantly, the nervous system.

All you need to get started is a desire to move and a yoga mat or bed.

Yes, whether you are confined to bed or training for your 10th marathon (or somewhere in-between) we can work together. Many pilates exercises can be modified to be done laying, sitting, or standing, and Yoga Nidra sessions are almost always done laying down. Somatic Guiding can be done in any position that suits you.

Cyan and Wukong - The Illuminated Body

I work with anyone…really!

I work with anyone…really!

I have a special interest in working with those who are alienated from their bodies, chronically ill or disabled, trauma survivors, recovering from injuries, non-athletes, and people in caring professions. I offer sessions via virtual video call online. Sessions are payable via Zelle, Paypal, or direct bank transfer.

"Cyan creates an environment that approaches the body with love and humour.

Accessibility is so much a part of the practice that little feels impossible. I have found a lot more strength in my body in doing pilates with them. I have also found a lot more kindness for myself when facing injury or illness."


The Illuminated Body logo



“Clarity and decisiveness come from the willingness to slow down, to listen and look at what’s happening.”


“Clarity and decisiveness come from the willingness to slow down, to listen and look at what’s happening.”