The illuminated body - punk pilates with cyan



I truly believe healing from trauma–any kind of trauma–is possible.

I truly believe healing from trauma–any kind of trauma–is possible.

Somatic Coaching with Cyan - the illuminated body - punk pilates

I have a special interest in peer-based somatic guiding for folks who are already in therapy with a clinician and need ancillary trauma healing work.

In 2016, I began taking Somatic Experiencing therapy as client for trauma recovery. I was amazed at the gentleness and subtlety of the method. I read Peter Levine’s work, and knew I was finally, after so many years, going to get somewhere new with trauma recovery.

In 2021, I completed my certification through Embody Lab in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy. I’ve done hundreds of hours of training through the Somatic Experiencing media library, live and recorded trainings with Professional Education Systems Institute for clinicians, and the Academy of Therapy Wisdom. In 2023 I obtained my Clinical Telemental Health Provider certificate in providing EMDR treatment.

Somatic Coaching with Cyan - the illuminated body - punk pilates

Restructuring of the body as a safe container. 

Trauma often robs us of the ability to rely on our body—the signals it gives us, or in many cases, the signals we do not perceive. The vessel of the body can be recovered as a refuge. Everyone has the possibility to heal.

Somatic guiding can help give you the tools and practice necessary to reinvent your relationship to your body and process traumatic events. The Illuminated Body operates on the principle that the wisdom to heal is always inside you—you just might need a little help and structure accessing it. Together, we create a container to work on anything you may need support around.

My special areas include:
  • dissociation
  • loss and grief
  • domestic violence
  • body image and/or gender dysphoria
  • shame
  • relationships and attachments

You are always the expert on yourself! My role is that of your Care Providing Companion. You are the hero of your story and you are the one who will heal yourself.

You can expect:
  • thorough intake
  • psychoeducation and supplemental resources
  • gentle and compassionate guidance
  • development of somatic skills and tools
  • individualized care plan

We engage in body awareness and healing movements at a pace that can be tolerated.

However, I am not a licensed clinician or credentialed as a therapist. You must have your own clinical therapist. If you do not have one, I can make recommendations for trustworthy and trauma-informed therapists based on your access to resources and location.

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The illuminated body - punk pilates with cyan


Pilates is not just for rich, white, able-bodied cis-women.

Pilates is for *every* body.